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Garmin Nuvi Safety Cameras Uk

Thank you for your advice, which I have not yet followed, because I also asked Garmin for their advice and theirs did work. I insert below their advice along with my deviations. It still does not solve the problem with Edge not supporting the Garmin Communicator plugin. However if you have IE on the windows 10 PC it can work.

Installing PocketGPSWorld Speed Camera Database. Displaying Speed Cameras on Garmin units. Please note that the safety camera warning software is a free add-on to membership and as such is not a commercially guaranteed product. Both the camera database and the site offer community support and help only. Download from the PocketGPSWorld Speed Camera Database page by selecting Garmin POILoader. Press 'Continue'. Choose the database files you require (country and database type) e.g. UK - Consolidated by Type. I have a nuvi 50 – do I need both of these, or are the 182 Safety Cameras included in the first Group, or is there another Group I should be downloading? And will my Garmin nuvi 50 allow me to load and display more than one POI group at once? Cyclops Safety Cameras-any good? Just purchased a safety camera subscription for a Garmin Nuvi 2589.

Many thanks



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Garmin Uk Nuvi Updates

Dear Hannah,

Thank you for your advice which I followed and I can now download safety camera files using Internet Explorer on my Windows 10 PC. I had to deviate once or twice to get the result and I have indicated below where I had a problem.

Many thanks


Dear Thomas Langford,

Thank you for contacting Garmin Europe.

I am happy to help you with this.

Please ensure you have the latest version of the Communicator Plug-In installed to your computer, to check if this is the latest version please click the below link:

I did this and found myself looking at the Edge page with a notice telling me that Edge does not support the Garmin Plugin. The solution here was to open IE and type in the link. This immediately opened a page with the info that I had the latest version of the Plugin.

This page will tell you if the Communicator Plug-in is up to date or not, if it is not up to date please follow the steps below to install it:

  • Click Download-PC on the right of the page.
  • Click Download.
  • Click Run.
  • Close ALL Internet Browsers.
  • Click Next.
  • Agree to the Terms.
  • Click Next.
  • Click Exit.

    You will now have the Communicator Plugin installed to your computer.

    Once you have installed the Plug-In again, you will need to add Garmin to your trusted sites, to do this see below.

    1. Open Internet Explorer.
    2. Click Tools.
    3. Click Internet Options.
    4. Click the Security tab.
    5. Select Trusted sites.
    6. Click the Sites button.
    7. Select *.garmin.com and click the Remove button, if available.I was not able to do this step.
    8. Add buy.garmin.com, my.garmin.com, sso.garmin.com and connect.garmin.com to the list of Trusted Sites.
    9. Close the Trusted Sites window.
    10. Select Internet and make sure that there is a check in the box for Enable Protected Mode.
    11. Select Local intranet, Trusted sites, and Restricted sites one by one and make sure there is not a check in Enable Protected Mode.
    12. Click OK.
    13. Close out of any Internet Explorer windows.

    Once Internet Explorer has been restarted the issue should be resolved.

    The above drill worked but I got a popup regarding the danger of not being in Protect Mode for restricted sites. So I went back and enabled the protected mode for restricted sites. I then tried to download the safety camera file again and it worked without any apparent problems. So it looks like it is an unnecessary step to remove the check in Enable Protected Mode for Restricted sites.

    For a step by step guide to assist you with this please click the link below:

    If the steps above do not resolve this issue then there are some settings in Internet Explorer or security software that may need to be configured to allow the login process to work properly. Using another browser such as Firefox may resolve this issue or indicate what is causing the problem.

    Now it would be best to unplug the device from the computer, reboot the computer and then plug the device back in.

    If the above instructions haven’t solved the issue, then it would appear a firewall or piece of antivirus software is blocking the installation from completing. Please ensure you have the following in your antivirus/firewall software's exceptions list for safe websites:

    • .garmin.com
    • .garmincdn.com

    Once this is complete, please try running through the installation again.

    I would suggest ensuring that the username you are currently signed onto the computer as has sufficient Administration rights to run and install programs to the computer.

    If the information we have provided have not worked then the final thing would be to try an alternative computer.

    If there is anything else I can help you with then please let me know. Alternatively you can search for a solution here: http://www.garmin.co.uk/support

    Please help us improve the service we offer you by taking our Customer Support survey. Please click the following link:

    Kind regards,


    Garmin Europe


    School zone, speed and red light camera alerts are now de rigueur on portable GPS navigators. While Garmin's Nuvi range has an excellent alerting system, you need to be the Howard Carter of the internet to find them. We show you how, although we make no guarantees about avoiding Tutankhamun's curse.

    As we discovered when we reviewed the Nuvi 260W and 760, Garmin has a very good safety camera warning system, which will alert you to upcoming red light and speed cameras, as well as school zones. There's a unique voice warning for each camera or zone type, a nice step up from the generic chime and visual warning offered on GPS devices from other makers.

    Unfortunately, these warnings don't come preloaded on any current Garmin Nuvi units — a careless oversight considering the brand is being marketed on its ease of use. To get these warnings you'll have to go to Garmin's website, find the special Points of Interest (POI) files and install them on your device. These files don't exactly fall out of the sky and into your lap, so we've prepared this quick step-by-step guide for you.

    Backup Camera Garmin Nuvi

    1. Go to Garmin's Custom POI Downloads page.
      Note: If you have problems accessing the above link directly or get a 'Page Not Found – 404' error try the following steps instead. Go to the Garmin Australia website, select Australia from the 'Select Your Country' drop down box, click 'On the Road', scroll down and then click on 'Custom POI Downloads'.
    2. Download the POI files for speed cameras, red light cameras and school zones
    3. Unzip the .gpi files from each of those zip files
    4. Connect your Garmin to your PC or Mac via USB
    5. Go to your Garmin device, then to the 'Garmin' folder. If you see a folder named 'POI' go to the next step, otherwise create said directory
    6. Copy all the .gpi files that you've downloaded and extracted into the Garmin's 'POI' directory
    7. Disconnect your Garmin from your computer and — voila! — warnings for school zones, as well as speed and red light cameras.